Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 28-- Weigh in

Forgot to post my stats last week... real life got in the way:

Starting weight: 229.4
Last week's weight: 216.8
Current weight: 213.2
Weight lost this week: -3.6
Total weight lost: -16.2

And here's my stats from today's weigh in:

Starting weight: 229.4
Last week's weight: 213.2
Current weight: 211.6
Weight lost this week: -1.6
Total weight lost: -17.8

So, yea... still losing. But as you can see, it has slowed down quite a bit. The ww Leader said not to worry, anything more than 2 pounds a week isn't healthy, but I'm a girl who likes to see immediate results. It's time to kick it up a notch.

That's why it was really fitting that the meeting topic this week was about exercise. I do not exercise. I know it's important, I know I should, I just don't want to. I wake up at 6, get myself and the kids ready, go to work. I usually run errands on my lunch hour (my ww meeting being one of them). Then after work, I pick up the kids, get them fed, bathed, and in bed. It's after 8 pm before I have any time for me, and that's if I don't even clean the house at all. I really don't see how I can fit a workout in to my already busy schedule.

The leader said I need to get up earlier. Ugh. I am not a morning person.

But, I am dedicated to this, so I vowed to working out at least three times this week. I don't know if will be in the morning, at night, or maybe I'll get some time in during the weekend. But Hopefully I'll be able to lose 2.2 pounds and I can be 20 pounds down next week!

When do you get your work outs in?


  1. I don't. Zero exercise - what does your leader mean... I didn't even know there WAS a before 6am! Sheesh it's hard enough getting up at that time let alone getting up earlier to exercise.

    Been seriously contemplating joining the gym but just don't think I would get the moneys worth - am thinking a Wii Fit would be a better option for this non-exerciser :)

    Well done on the losses!

  2. I never understood the whole "no more than 2 pounds a's not healthy" thing. I have a friend who consistently lost more than 2 lbs a week and kept it off just fine.

    Well done with your losses!!

  3. Congrats on the loss!! I too love seeing huge losses on the scale, but know that I have reached a point where I don't get those anymore. However, any loss is a good loss.

