Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 11

Ugh, I don't think this was a good day.

I'm full, but I'm way low on my points. 8 points, that's a whole meal. I thought maybe I even forgot something, but I keep going over my day, over and over again, and nope, that's all I ate.

Maybe I'm getting sick.

And even though I'm low on points today, and I've been close to my points every day, never going over, I am not losing weight. I weighed myself this evening, and I haven't lost anything (the scale actually says I GAINED 3 pounds, but I'm not stressing too much about that. It's the end of the day, I'm wearing a sweatshirt, that's got to account for something. Not much, but something).

8 am- 1 cup blueberries- 1 pt (28)
1 cup strawberries- 1 pt (27)
coffee with cream and sugar- 3 pts (24)

12 pm- mac and cheese smart ones meal- 6 pts (18)

6 pm- hot link sausage- 6 pts (12)
turkey and mashed potatoes from smart ones- 4 pts (8)

What's wrong? Too much processed food? Hubby and the kids had lefts overs from Mother's Day. None of that was healthy, so I had to have a little meal. I've been eating at least one every day, they're so much easier that having to think about a healthy home cooked meal.

Maybe I need to start exercising.

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